How To Deploy .NET Aspire Apps To Azure | .NET 8
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The New Way To Build Cloud Native Applications With .NET 8
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24.12.2023 izlediklerim
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Dapper ile yardımcı queryler yazmak CORS içinde querylere behaviour yoluyla cache dekorasyonu yapmak _logger.LogInformation("Event Created {@Date}", context.Message.Created); string resizeMeta = "640x480,800x600,1280x940"; MagickImageInfo imageInfo = new MagickImageInfo(context.Message.ImageFile); List<string> resizeList = resizeMeta.Split(',').ToList(); string fileName = $"{imageInfo.Width}x{imageInfo.Height}"; resizeList.Add(fileName); List<TestCreatedIntegrationEventWrapper> resizedImageList = new(); foreach (var resize in resizeList) { var width = resize.Split("x").First(); var height = resize.Split("x").Last(); using var image = new MagickImage(context.Message.ImageFile); var size = new MagickGeometry(int.Parse(width), int.Parse(height)); // This will resize the image to a fixed size without ma
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