IIS 7.0 lerde 30mb'dan büyük dosya uploadu için yapılması gerekenler
Aldığımız hata mesajı HTTP Error 404.13 - Not Found : The request filtering module is configured to deny a request that exceeds the request content length I was developing an application that allows user to upload files to the server using the control. In order to make sure that users can upload large files, I configured the web.config as follows to allow larger files to be uploaded (The default setting is 4 MB): ? 1 < httpRuntime maxRequestLength = "512000" /> While testing the file upload functionality from within the visual studio development server (Right clicking on the aspx file and selecting browse), I found it working quite fine. But surprisingly, after hosting the Asp.net web site onto IIS (IIS 7), I found the file uploading functionality was no longer working, and, it was broken while trying to upload large files (I was trying with a file over 40MB in size). Following is the screen shot of the error message that I got: Figure : The err...