mvc'de belirli süre içinde fonksiyon çağırmak
The answer to this question would very much depend on what do you mean by reload some info in ASP.NET MVC project . This is not a clearly stated problem and as such, more than obviously, it cannot have a clearly stated answer. So if we assume that by this you want to periodically poll some controller action and update information on a view you could use the setInterval javascript function to periodically poll the server by sending an AJAX request and update the UI: window . setInterval ( function () { // Send an AJAX request every 5s to poll for changes and update the UI // example with jquery: $ . get ( '/foo' , function ( result ) { // TODO: use the results returned from your controller action // to update the UI }); }, 5000 ); If on the other hand you mean executing some task on the server at regular periods you could use the RegisterWaitForSingleObject method like this: var waitHandle = new AutoResetEvent ( false ...