Şimdi twitter olayı bildiğiniz üzere 140 karakter fakat amplify.com kullanınca yazacaklarınız 1000 karaktere çıkıyor, burada yazdığınız düşünce ister istemez twitter hesabınızda da çıkacak fakat kısa bir url-rewriting ile linklenecektir. http://amplify.com/u/9ec4
Haproxy ve arkada 2 nginx server yönlendirme
Docker kaynaklar https://hub.docker.com/r/million12/haproxy/ cd /etc/haproxy/haproxy.config dosyası http://askubuntu.com/questions/505506/how-to-get-bash-or-ssh-into-a-running-container-in-background-mode Haproxy kaynaklar https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/how-to-setup-haproxy-as-load-balancer-for-nginx-on-centos-7/ http://samos-it.com/posts/docker-multi-website-single-ip-host-haproxy.html This post will describe how to expose multiple docker containers running websites on port 80 using HAproxy as a reverse proxy. This makes it possible to run multiple websites on different domains on a single public ip of the host. The basic setup is to create 1 container for haproxy which is exposed to the host on port 80. This HAproxy container will forward the incoming HTTP request to the correct container based on the domain name. Picture drawn with draw.io . First launch the containers which run different websites. In our example we will use a hello-world ...
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