How to automatize current ES6 Javasript file tranpile into ES5 with Babel and Atom-Script package

Requirements Atom Editor Install Script Package Nodejs (prefer latest one)

Once installation completed, open your project with atom and install this packages with npm (selected light-green texts)

1- Create  ECMA6 standart javascript file. You can look at ECMA6 features from this site

2- While javasript file open, press shift-ctrl-alt-o (windows) / shift-cmd-i (OSX) now we will define a new atom-script profile 

Command Arguments: node_modules\babel-cli\bin\babel.js {FILE_ACTIVE} --out-file out\{FILE_ACTIVE_NAME}

Before saving a profile, you can try your script with run button. If you want to open this interface again  press shift-ctrl-alt-o (windows) / shift-cmd-i (OSX) 

3- Click save as profile and enter a profiler name

4- Finally  run the code on your current javascript file. This will create ECMA5 javascript  file
   Macos                       Windows


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